ISTQB Glossary
Sekventiel Udviklingsmodel
En type af livscyklusmodel for udviklingen af et komplet system, opdelt i adskilte faser, der efterfølger hinanden uden overlap.
Present in sylabi
Foundation 2018
Foundation Extension - Performance Testing 2018
Foundation Extension - Gambling Industry Tester 2018
Original definition:
Sekventiel Udviklingsmodel @ISTQB Glossary
Service Virtualisering
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Translations and synonyms
sequential development model
sequenzielles Entwicklungsmodell
シーケンシャル開発モデル(sequential development model)
modelo de desenvolvimento sequencial
sekwencyjny model wytwarzania oprogramowania
modelo de desenvolvimento sequencial
sekvenční model vývoje
sequentieel ontwikkelmodel
sekvensiell utviklingsmodell
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