ISTQB Glossary
Ikke-Funksjonell Testing
Testing av alt annet enn funksjonalitet.
Present in sylabi
Advanced Test Analyst 2012
Advanced Technical Test Analyst 2012
Advanced Test Manager 2012
Expert Test Management 2011
Foundation Extension - Agile Tester 2014
Original definition:
Ikke-Funksjonell Testing @ISTQB Glossary
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Translations and synonyms
non-functional testing
nicht-funktionaler Test
非機能テスト(non-functional testing)
teste não funcional
testowanie niefunkcjonalne
teste não funcional
nefunkcionální testování
ikke-funktionel test
niet-functioneel testen
nem-funkcionális teszt
nem-funkcionális tesztelés
nemfunkcionális tesztelés
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