ISTQB Glossary
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경험 기반 테스팅(experience-Based Testing)
테스터의 경험, 지식, 직관에 기반한 테스팅
Present in sylabi
Advanced Test Analyst 2012
Advanced Test Manager 2012
Foundation Extension - Agile Tester 2014
Foundation 2018
Foundation Extension - Mobile Application Testing 2019
Foundation Extension - Acceptance Testing 2019
Foundation V3.1 2018
Advanced Test Analyst 2019
Advanced Agile Technical Tester 2019
Original definition:
경험 기반 테스팅(experience-Based Testing) @ISTQB Glossary
공식 리뷰(formal Review)
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Translations and synonyms
experience-based testing
erfahrungsbasiertes Testen
test basati sull’esperienza
経験ベースのテスト(experience-based testing)
teste baseado na experiência
testowanie w oparciu o doświadczenie
teste baseado na experiência
testování založené na zkušenostech
erfaringsbaseret test
erfarenhetsbaserad testning
ervaring gebaseerd testen
tapasztalat alapú tesztelés
erfaringsbasert testing
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