ISTQB Glossary
セッションベースのテストマネジメント(session-Based Test Management)
Present in sylabi
Foundation Extension - Agile Tester 2014
Foundation Extension - Mobile Application Testing 2019
Original definition:
セッションベースのテストマネジメント(session-Based Test Management) @ISTQB Glossary
セッションベースドテスト(session-Based Testing)
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Translations and synonyms
session-based test management
Sitzungsbasiertes Testmanagement
gestione del testing a sessioni
gerenciamento de teste baseado em sessão
zarządzanie testowaniem w sesjach
gestão de testes baseada em sessões
řízení testování založené na relaci
sessionsbaseret teststyring
sessionsbaserad teststyrning
munkamenet alapú teszt vezetése
sesjonsbasert testledelse
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