ISTQB Glossary
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Testing Basato Sui Modelli
Testing che si basa su o comporta l'uso di modelli
Present in sylabi
Advanced Security Tester 2016
Advanced Technical Test Analyst 2012
Expert Test Management 2011
Advanced Test Automation Engineer 2016
Foundation Extension - Agile Tester 2014
Foundation Extension - Model-Based Testing 2015
Foundation 2018
Foundation Extension - Acceptance Testing 2019
Foundation V3.1 2018
Advanced Technical Test Analyst 2019
Advanced Agile Technical Tester 2019
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Testing Basato Sui Modelli @ISTQB Glossary
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Testing Basato Sul Rischio
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Translations and synonyms
model-based testing
modellbasiertes Testen
モデルベースドテスト(model-based testing)
teste baseado em modelo
teste baseado no modelo
testowanie oparte na modelu
teste baseado em modelos
testování založené na modelu
modelbaseret test (MBT)
modellbaserad testning
model-based testen (MBT)
modell alapú tesztelés
modellbasert testing
모델 기반 테스팅(model-based testing)(MBT)
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